Lancôme Hypnôse mascara review

When it comes to mascara I am a very ‘stick with what you know’ kind of person. So when I was bought this product for Christmas I was slightly dubious about trying it. But alas… Thank you mum for knowing me too well and making me try out something new!



In my personal opinion the packaging is underwhelming. Simple and elegant I suppose, but with a product like this It doesn’t need amazing packaging. The product really does speak for itself.



The brush is long and thin meaning it’s perfect for reaching all lashes in one stroke and it doesn’t get messy! The product doesn’t go all over the place during application. In fact this is the only mascara I’ve used which doesn’t require a clean up after applying. There are lots of bristles meaning it picks up all lashes. The product itself is amazing at not clumping your eyelashes! I repeat girls NO CLUMPS! I mean it when I say… somehow… And I don’t know how, Lancôme has given us a product which separates all your lashes without even having to work the product out.


Overall verdict

A little pricy for everyday mascara (£22.50) but I for one don’t mind spending a little more on a product if I feel like it’s worth it. And this product is definitely one of those very few. Like I said the applicator is so lovely and leaves your lashed elongated and separated giving you a really elegant open eye. It’s also very buildable so it can easily double up as an everyday and night out product. The mascara doesn’t budge once it’s on either. Just today I’ve been out in bitterly cold wind and even after my eyes were streaming I got back in the car to find my mascara hadn’t gone anywhere. I was very smug with mysef when looking at the other girls I was with! Hehe.

If you have experience with the product I’d love to hear about it.

In the meantime, much love,

Joanna x

9 thoughts on “Lancôme Hypnôse mascara review

  1. This is my favourite mascara. I haven’t found anything that compares! I really like the Lancôme Dolls Eyes mascara as well, I would recommend trying that as well 🙂 xoxo


  2. This mascara is wonderful! I have only had it once [mainly because of the price!] but I absolutely loved it!
    Great post :)) xx


  3. I received the regular Hypnose mascara as a sample once I really liked it. But I purchased the Hypnose Doll Lashes in the summer and have loved it ever since! It is the only one I use now, and I always get compliments on my lashes. People have even asked if I was wearing false lashes.

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