Motivated Monday – Part 1

This is going to be a weekly post from me now, every Monday will be based on a theme and howI stay motivated based on that theme. So any requests please let me know, until someone asks me to do otherwise I will be posting motivational and achievable posts based on things I would want to read on someone else’s blog!

Week 1 – Gym


Isn’t it so handy, when people ask what you get up to in your spare time and you can just whack them with ‘Well I spend quite a bit of time in the gym’… but really? do you? I have been known to have my peaks and throghs when it comes to my dedication to the gym but now I am in a place I have  routine and feel I can pass some of my advice on to you.

One – Always have your gym bag with you – for me, I keep mine in the car. This means you can never truthfully use the excuse, oh well I don’t have my stuff with me so I will miss this evenings session.

Two – Go straight from work. I know if I go home straight after work I am not going back out again, the PJs and a couple of tea call and before you know it it 11pm and you’re halfway through a film. On weekdays I will go straight from work and then and only then when I’ve finished my work out I can relax at home.

Three – Make a kick ass playlist. There is nothing better than being in the workout zone with some super motivational music playing. My personal favourite artist to work out to at the moment is Paramore.. although I do find myself having to refrain from bursting into my best Hayley Williams impression while on the tread mill.

Four –  Go with someone. If I have someone there I generally feel like I have to look fitter than I actually am so I find myself pushing myself harder.

Five – Buy some gym wear you feel good in. Maybe its just me but I feel super motivated to work out when I feel like I look good in my gym gear.


Six –  Don’t set yourself ridiculous goals. Be realistic, by setting yourself goals you wont achieve you’ll only heighten the chances that you’ll give up. Maybe speak to a PT at your gym to talk these goals through so you know what your aiming for is achievable.

Et viola, a few of my tips and tricks to stay motivated to get your bum in the gym! Leave comments with anything you find motivation when it comes to gyming.

Much love,

Joanna Eve x

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