Yummy Green Juice

Here is my quick go to green juice. I use my active blend everyday and I just wouldn’t be without it.

  • One large mango
  • One banana
  • A good handful of spinach
  • A good glug of coconut water




This is absolutely delicious and leaves me full until mid afternoon when I have a small snack. Highly recommend this recipe!

Much Love,

Joanna x

Maca powder – 5*

I’ve been incorporating Maca powder into my diet for around six months now, after i had a very bad spell of lacking in energy. Now this wasn’t only due to my diet but also external factors. But when I psychically struggled to get out of bed every morning i looked for alternatives to energy drinks and caffeine. I wanted something that did not make my body hate itself. So introducing…..


I read a lot about Maca on the internet before i decided to try it out, lots of positive reviews but also lots of negative and neutral reviews. Everyones body is different and I think thats very important to keep in mind when reading reviews, what might be great for some might be something your body reacts badly to and vice verser. At the desperate stage i was willing to try anything to pick up my energy levels and stabilise my moods though. As recommended I started on half teaspoon daily, I would usually put this in my morning porridge or in a smoothie. In my naivety I thought I could get swallow the powder straight, soon after opening my first packet I realised this was never going to happen! I have loved every second of trying different recipes out to include Maca. After around 3 months I upped this to 1 tablespoon of powder on a daily basis. I read that taking in too much can lead to horrible effects on your hormones especially as a women but i must admit myself or anyone close to me has not noticed any negative differences in my moods or behaviour since using Maca.


It did take a few weeks to notice a difference but after my around 3 weeks of half a teaspoon daily getting out of bed and being out and about became far less of a struggle. Before maca I was not able to go out shopping for more than a few hours before having to get home for a nap! Yes some may say I am lazy and I understand i am opening myself up for criticise here but try not to judge without knowing the full picture! So to raise you energy levels I would definitely recommend incorporate Maca into your diet.


Another reasons I started using Maca in my diet was to stabilise my moods, It was a point in my life that was very truculent anyway and because of this my moods were all over the place. Made a lot worse by being female … at very certain times of the months.

Overall, I do not think Maca fixed all of this but it certainly elevated some symptoms and made life easier for myself and the people around me! woo hoo!


I have read that Maca can help with skin problems, specifically acne. Now I have never been too prone to spots so I can’t comment on this but i can certainly say it did not have a negative effect on my skin.

I hope anyone thinking about trying Maca out has found this helpful, any questions feel free to contact me. For any recipes i use to get Maca in me please ask and I will post some 🙂

Much love,

Joanna xxx